
Rolled Beef Sirloin

Ingredients (4 Servings)

Beef sirloin
(thin slices)
Perilla 4
Dried plum (seedless) Appropriate amount
Pizza cheese Appropriate amount
Potato 2
Radish (small) 1/4 [Sauce]
Soy sauce According to your preference [Sauce]
Potato starch Appropriate amount [Sauce]
Salt and pepper Appropriate amount [Sauce]
Oil Appropriate amount [Sauce]


  1. Put the dried plum into a mortar and grind.
  2. Arrange the slices of meat so they are stacked up in twos and then sprinkle over the salt and pepper.
  3. Stack the perilla on top of (2) and then place and wrap the plums on top of that.
  4. Cover (3) with the potato starch.
  5. Peel and boil the potatoes.
  6. Crush the boiled potatoes.
  7. Place the potatoes and cheese on the meat in the same way as with (2).
  8. Cover (7) with the potato starch.
  9. Finally, fry in oil.

★ Notes★
● The meat will soon tear, so make sure to wrap in twos.
● Make sure to thoroughly remove the moisture of the radish.